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The Next Generation UMA

Today’s investors are demanding more personalized attention. Advisors want more freedom to provide this heightened demand for customization, but they also need more time for client relationships and building their business. Selecting the right technology partner to enable an innovative and flexible Unified Managed Account (UMA) platform has a significant impact on your ability to meet these demands.

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Tailored Advisory Portfolios®

Vestmark’s Tailored Advisory Portfolios® offer the next-generation in UMA capabilities, enabling your advisors to provide their clients with an array of customizations like ESG screens, position restrictions, isolating legacy positions, automating cash management, and deploying sophisticated tax management, all while freeing up time for advisors to focus on their clients and on growing their business.

Why Vestmark for Unified Managed Accounts?

Scale and efficiency through automated workflows

Whether it’s your home office overlay team rebalancing tens or hundreds of thousands of accounts, or your advisors managing hundreds or thousands of individual sleeves, exception-based processing and automated workflows enable true scale and real-time savings.

Scalable and effective tax management

Our streamlined workflows include automated tax-sensitive trading, while our integrated accounting and trading engine and true sleeve accounting offer transparency and the ability to trade specific tax lots. Tax harvesting workflows are streamlined and wash sale avoidance and substitute securities can be automated.

Personalization at scale

Our advanced technology allows personalization of client portfolios – whether it’s the application of ESG screens, factors or tilts, security restrictions, or other types of customization – while enabling these accounts to still be managed and rebalanced alongside other accounts in an automated workflow, eliminating manual workarounds.

Sophisticated portfolio solutions

Our next generation UMA capabilities enable your advisors to construct multi-product investment solutions using a variety of different model and investment types, including both 3rd party fixed income and equity managers directly trading sleeves, overlaid with the personalization clients have come to demand —all in a single account.

Multiple discretionary parties trading in an account

We enable multiple discretionary parties to trade in an account, enabling more sophisticated UMA structures and investment solutions including fixed income and muni managers trading sleeves directly, managers or home office trading direct index offerings, as well as fixed income modeling within a sleeve.

Advisor-managed sleeves

Even when leveraging home office or third party overlay, you can give advisors the ability to manage and directly trade in a sleeve (or sleeves) of a client portfolio, enabling them to manage fixed income and/or equity securities or mutual funds and ETFs.

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Sleeves, Tagging, and the Pathway to Improved Accounting

In this blog, Mark Peabody, SVP of Products and Engineering, provides us with an overview of sleeve-level accounting and spells out the advantages of this type of accounting when trying to achieve a granular view of client accounts.

Read the Blog

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